
Intuition is the very force or activity of the soul in its experience through whatever has been the experience of the soul itself.

Author: Henry Reed

  • Top Result: 138
  • Average: 55

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 138 3 years ago xChan
2. 131 3 years ago
3. 120 3 years ago Zoniax
4. 105 3 years ago Aldrin
5. 102 1 year ago Karina Melencio
6. 99 3 years ago
7. 98 2 years ago Sonny Go
8. 98 2 years ago Sonny Go
9. 96 3 years ago Miguel Santos Correa
10. 96 3 years ago Asphiliax

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 65 8 days ago Rick
2. 67 14 days ago Jankb
3. 48 21 days ago
4. 57 29 days ago Solomon Melkamu
5. 66 1 month ago Fissiha Petros
6. 73 2 months ago
7. 58 4 months ago Gia
8. 71 5 months ago Kibur
9. 63 5 months ago Rohit Karanjit
10. 69 5 months ago Fekedew Hailemariam