
The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

Author: Carlos Castaneda

  • Top Result: 139
  • Average: 54

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 139 3 years ago dhiraj
2. 115 3 years ago Czacki
3. 112 3 years ago
4. 107 3 years ago dhiraj
5. 100 3 years ago Dawit Alene
6. 97 3 years ago asdf
7. 94 3 years ago
8. 91 3 years ago
9. 91 1 year ago
10. 90 2 years ago Sonny Go

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 52 1 month ago
2. 72 3 months ago Kibur
3. 80 5 months ago Krish Magar
4. 82 5 months ago Kibur
5. 37 6 months ago R
6. 11 6 months ago
7. 52 6 months ago sole
8. 69 6 months ago Krish Magar
9. 72 6 months ago Elias Ayele
10. 62 6 months ago Rick