
Men of perverse opinion do not know the excellence of what is in their hands, till some one dash it from them.

Author: Sophocles

  • Top Result: 111
  • Average: 56

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 111 3 years ago ******
2. 110 3 years ago xCHAN
3. 105 3 years ago
4. 104 3 years ago Czacki
5. 102 2 years ago Gerimantas Pukys
6. 99 3 years ago
7. 97 3 years ago
8. 97 1 year ago David
9. 92 2 years ago
10. 89 2 years ago Tarif Tahmeed Khan

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 82 27 days ago Jankb
2. 74 1 month ago Solomon Melkamu
3. 66 1 month ago Solomon Melkamu
4. 66 2 months ago Fissiha Petros
5. 63 2 months ago Jankb
6. 82 4 months ago Kibur
7. 69 6 months ago Kibur
8. 81 6 months ago Krish Magar
9. 13 6 months ago
10. 76 6 months ago