
Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgement.

Author: Ralph Marston

  • Top Result: 109
  • Average: 51

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 109 3 years ago
2. 104 3 years ago uyoiuy
3. 96 2 years ago https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-reda-608a59143/
4. 92 3 years ago
5. 91 3 years ago xd
6. 87 4 months ago Kibur
7. 86 3 years ago Shahriar H Fahim
8. 83 1 year ago David
9. 82 3 years ago
10. 82 3 years ago https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-reda-608a59143/

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 68 4 days ago Jankb
2. 28 4 days ago Ajmaal
3. 73 28 days ago
4. 75 28 days ago
5. 57 1 month ago Solomon Melkamu
6. 68 2 months ago
7. 30 2 months ago
8. 44 3 months ago sole
9. 33 3 months ago blablabla
10. 64 3 months ago Kibur