
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Author: Leonardo da Vinci

  • Top Result: 169
  • Average: 54

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 169 3 years ago Hassan Ashiq ( The King of Typing - www.linkedin.com/in/hassan-ashiq )
2. 147 3 years ago
3. 111 3 years ago Roth
4. 106 3 years ago Joe Mama69
5. 103 2 years ago home
6. 102 3 years ago
7. 97 3 years ago
8. 95 3 years ago
9. 95 3 years ago Nistor Cristian Ionut
10. 94 3 years ago kebongs

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 60 1 month ago Fissiha Petros
2. 83 1 month ago Kibur
3. 10 1 month ago Ajmaal
4. 76 1 month ago Kibur
5. 53 2 months ago
6. 84 2 months ago Kibur
7. 72 2 months ago Kibur
8. 15 4 months ago
9. 65 4 months ago Kibur
10. 71 4 months ago Kibur