
I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.

Author: Amy Tan

  • Top Result: 145
  • Average: 58

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 145 3 years ago JPL
2. 112 3 years ago Cedric Cangco
3. 109 3 years ago Zrodiya
4. 107 1 year ago
5. 105 3 years ago
6. 102 3 years ago
7. 100 3 years ago Daddy
8. 96 2 years ago Gerimantas Pukys
9. 96 3 years ago Sarthak
10. 94 3 years ago

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 55 1 month ago Fissiha Petros
2. 26 1 month ago Ajmaal
3. 53 2 months ago Fissiha Petros
4. 63 2 months ago Kibur
5. 46 3 months ago R
6. 69 4 months ago Kibur
7. 71 4 months ago Kibur
8. 77 5 months ago Rohit Karanjit
9. 26 5 months ago Ajmaal
10. 78 6 months ago Rick