
The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.

Author: Lao Tzu

  • Top Result: 181
  • Average: 62

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 181 7 months ago Séraphine Courtemanche
2. 139 3 years ago drep
3. 137 3 years ago
4. 129 3 years ago Mark Yap
5. 116 3 years ago Miguel Santos Correa
6. 108 3 years ago
7. 107 3 years ago Aldrin
8. 106 3 years ago
9. 105 3 years ago Edd
10. 103 1 year ago

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 89 25 days ago David
2. 65 1 month ago
3. 83 1 month ago Kibur
4. 81 1 month ago David
5. 69 1 month ago
6. 66 1 month ago Elias Ayele
7. 58 2 months ago vengeance_467
8. 90 2 months ago
9. 102 2 months ago Kibur
10. 84 3 months ago