
The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it.

Author: Charles DeLint

  • Top Result: 139
  • Average: 58

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 139 3 years ago
2. 111 3 years ago Gerimantas Pukys
3. 108 3 years ago
4. 107 3 years ago
5. 95 3 years ago Juls Locquiao
6. 90 3 years ago Gerimantas Pukys
7. 90 2 years ago Miguel
8. 89 3 years ago Olively
9. 88 2 years ago Sonny Go
10. 88 3 years ago Aldrin

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 77 24 days ago Elias Ayele
2. 75 26 days ago Solomon Melkamu
3. 86 28 days ago Jankb
4. 63 28 days ago Solomon Melkamu
5. 74 2 months ago Jankb
6. 61 2 months ago Fissiha Petros
7. 71 3 months ago Rick
8. 52 3 months ago sole
9. 68 3 months ago Elias Ayele
10. 69 3 months ago