
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.

Author: Alan Cohen

  • Top Result: 110
  • Average: 55

Best results

# wpm Date
1. 110 2 years ago https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-reda-608a59143/
2. 108 3 years ago
3. 106 3 years ago Aldrin
4. 98 3 years ago Montasir
5. 93 3 years ago
6. 93 3 years ago noodles
7. 90 3 years ago Gerimantas Pukys
8. 89 3 years ago Akrist Shakya
9. 87 2 years ago
10. 86 3 years ago

Last results

# wpm Date
1. 48 17 days ago
2. 79 18 days ago
3. 66 21 days ago Rohit Karanjit
4. 36 21 days ago
5. 24 28 days ago
6. 59 29 days ago Solomon Melkamu
7. 86 2 months ago
8. 80 2 months ago David
9. 11 3 months ago Ajmaal
10. 56 4 months ago sole